Lesly Fabiola Chacon Panjoj
Lesly's favorites include cats, eating chow mein, and the color green. She has five people in her family. She enjoys school and hopes to become a teacher when she is older.
Chuchuca, GuatemalaGender
Chuchuca Primary SchoolGrade
6Lesly's Unmet Needs
Basic Needs
For children who are not yet in school, sponsor support provides for monthly wellness check-ups, reusable cloth diapers, clothes and blankets, formula (if needed), birthday/Christmas/Children's Day gifts, as well as monthly workshops for mothers on sanitation, nutrition, and Biblical parenting.
Once a child begins school, sponsor support provides for a weekly nutritious lunch and Bible lesson, and birthday/Christmas/Children's Day gifts. Each child will receive school supplies, shoes, and a backpack annually. In July and December, sponsor support provides for a Vacation Bible School program, along with medical and dental check-ups.